
Day 17: Kings and Rulers

Day 17: Kings and Rulers

Video Transcription

Our bible says that in order for a nation to prosper their leaders have to serve Israel. That the blessings for the nations are inextricably linked to their relationship with Israel who is blessed by God. God began in relationship with Abraham and formed a covenant with him that would be eternal. Those who bless you Abraham I’m going to bless, those who curse you I’m going to curse. And Abraham literally became the mediator of blessings for all nations. So what was set up back then is true today. We see that as a nation steps in and supports Israel and takes care of Israel, they prosper. We’ve watched that in Israel’s modern history. One of the scriptures that has been the most meaningful of all to so many people is Isaiah 49, where Isaiah prophesied and he said the, “foreigners are going to rebuild your walls and the kings are going to serve you though in anger I struck you O’ Israel, but with great compassion, I will lead you back and the kings are going to come in procession through your gates. For the nation that will not serve you will perish from the earth.” 

This is a very sharp warning but he also followed it by saying that there are going to be kings who become your foster fathers of Israel. Queens are going to become your nursing mothers. They’re going to place you on their hips, they’re going to become your allies, your keen friends. And so we’re standing in a time inside of Israel’s modern history where we’re actually seeing that take place. In the recent Abraham accords, we saw the very first normalizing of relations with Arab nations. Israel’s first opportunity in their modern history to finally have normal relation:, treaties, that are reflected in military intelligence and industry, and opportunities to stand together against some of the enemies of the region. This is extraordinary because Ezekiel talked about this in chapter 38. There will be a season in these latter days once Israel is back in the land where they’re going to enter into a time of peace with their neighbors. In other words there’s going to be a conglomerate of Arab nations that actually ally themselves to Israel, just like the verses predicted out of the book of Isaiah. 

I suggest that as we’re inside this 40-day fast, that we come alongside these new found treaties between the United States, Israel, and the Arab nations. It’s a time like no other. These are in an embryonic stage, they need support, and they need prayer around them. Because what is going to happen as a result of this is God’s going to continue to increase Israel on the earth to be a light to the nations. He’s going to increase them militarily, technology, and in the spiritual realm. All of these things must come to the fore in these last days. I’m excited to be on this 40-day journey with you as we stand on the walls of Jerusalem and we look at the region and recognize that God is doing something between the Arab nations and Israel today.





Lou Engle Ministries exists to mobilize fasting and contending prayer, to envision and empower Stadium Christianity, and to mobilize justice prayer movements into the nations of the earth. 


Day 16: Revelations 3

Day 16: Revelations 3

Video Transcription

Hello friends, as we ponder this 40 day fast I think it’s amazing that Jesus himself fasted 40 days to overcome Satan’s temptations and actually that 40 days was the heart preparation. And it one sense the qualification process in which he would step into the darkness and begin to bring great deliverance. There is a calling on this fast, the Yeshua fast. We are praying for the salvation of the Jews, for the great ‘Ruth calling’, to release this vow of Ruth into the earth. Also we are praying for the salvation of the gentiles, massive worldwide awakening. So there is a ministry focus to the fast, but always there is a heart focus to the fast. And in this heart focus for the fast, we want to direct you to Revelation Chapter 3. In fact the original fast that we called was actually Mar 1 – April 9th.  But I received a word from a Jewish apostle, a friend Asher Intrator, saying why don’t you hold it 40 days leading up until Pentecost. I said yes let’s do that. So these 40 days are up until Pentecost. 

But Mike Bickle felt the only time they could do it at IHOP was March 1-April 9th. At the time of this recording, this is the last day, the 40th day of his fast. To me that is amazing, also I am recording on this very day, on the anniversary of the Azusa Street Revival. Here we are, we are moving toward Pentecost, and Mike Bickle during this time has his second open vision. And the Lord showed him that there is a Laodicean church, and in this fast, and the proceeding fast, there is going to be an emphasis on Revelation 3. A cry in a generation to deliver us from the Laodicean spirit. 

“I know your works, that you are neither cold nor hot. I could wish you were cold or hot. So then, because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will vomit you out of My mouth. Because you say, ‘I am rich, have become wealthy, and have need of nothing’—and do not know that you are wretched, miserable, poor, blind, and naked— I counsel you to buy from Me gold refined in the fire, that you may be rich; and white garments, that you may be clothed, that the shame of your nakedness may not be revealed; and anoint your eyes with eye salve, that you may see. As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten. Therefore be zealous and repent. Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me. To him who overcomes I will grant to sit with Me on My throne, as I also overcame and sat down with My Father on His throne.” [Rev 3:15-21]

Oh, my brothers and sisters, if we ever lived in a Laodicean age, where we are so rich, we have so much food, so much money, so much talent, so much media acumen. We have it all and yet we don’t realize our hearts are dry. We are dull in spirit. And I believe in this 40 day fast, even as Mike is seeing it. And he’s beginning to preach, and I want you to follow Mike Bickle in these days. Oh, that God in these 40 days would deliver us from a lukewarm heart and cause us to get gold refined by fire. Brothers and sisters, in this 40 day fast as were praying for Israel, praying for the salvation of the Jews, would you pray that God would deliver you from dullness. Give you eyes, so that you could see, that your soul would be on fire, and you would dine with deep, deep intimacy with Jesus. Lord, we just pray right now, that God you would make us red hot. In this fast, cause a breakthrough from every temptation, that all our fountains will be found in you. Oh, that we would not satisfy ourselves with lesser desires, lesser satisfactions. Spirit of God, release a movement of cleansing across the globe as in Revelation chapter 3. God, let us overcome in Jesus name, amen!





Lou Engle Ministries exists to mobilize fasting and contending prayer, to envision and empower Stadium Christianity, and to mobilize justice prayer movements into the nations of the earth. 


Day 15: Isaiah 6

Day 15: Isaiah 6

Video Transcription

We’re continuing in this 40 day fast, this season leading up to Pentecost. I believe we’re to really give ourselves to an internal work of the Holy Spirit, not just an external thing that we are praying for. For worldwide harvest, for revival, for Pentecost. We need an inward change for our own hearts. The bible says, that David said, “I afflicted my soul with fasting.” I humbled my soul. That soulish part of our lives that demand pleasure, that demand entertainment. Listen, God wants to deliver us to find satisfactions that are greater than the satisfactions of this world. In Jeremiah, he said, “oh, I am so appalled that you’ve forsaken the fountains of living waters and you’ve hewn for yourself cisterns that could hold no water”. We have rejected the springs. Even David said, “All my fountains are in You!’

I pray this all the time, ‘could I be completely satisfied with the rivers of God’s pleasures?’ “At His right hand are pleasures forevermore.” One of the passages on my heart right after these elections that took place. In my soul, maybe not yours, I had deep disappointment, we were praying, we believed we were going to see some major breakthroughs. And God led me to this passage in Isaiah 6. There Isaiah is praying, Uzziah a great King that was a king over Israel for 56 years, one of the highest seasons of prosperity in Israel’s history and yet something was wrong in Israel. They were filled with prosperity, but they had lost their fire for Yahweh. Isaiah is crying to God and the Lord appears to him and it says. “In the year King Uzziah died, I saw the Lord.” I think when men run out of answers, this us when God reveals himself. He is our only help. “In the year King Uzziah died, I saw the Lord high and lifted up.” This is what I’m praying, out of this covid-season, out of these years of darkness, out of this distress, there is some that is going to come to heaven. I’m praying, “Let us see the Lord high and lifted up.” What if we prayed for 40 days, “unveil yourself! In the days of covid, social unrest, unveil Yourself.” When there is no answer from kings or politics, Lord we want to see you high and lifted up. The year king Uzziah died I saw the Lord high and lifted up. His train filled the temple. He seized the glory of God. And there in this context, he said an Angel took a coal from the fire and put the coal to his lips. And he says “I’d live among a people of unclean lips and he put a coal to his lips and he cleansed his lips, and then he says “Who shall go for Me? And who shall I send?” And then Isaiah says, “Here am I, send me.” 

It’s interesting what he says there. What was the answer to the sending? Why was He calling him and sending him. He says he was going to send him to the Jewish peoples who cannot hear and cannot see. I believe this Yeshua Fast is being given to us for a season that were going to be ‘sent’, because it’s now time for their eyes to see and their ears to be opened. And in this 40 days, I believe there’s a preparation. I’m asking God, to put a coal to where sin has held me bound. I want a fire in my eyes, a fire on my lips, a fire to be touching my ears what I listen to, a fire to my heart, because I’ve seen the Lord. T There’s this deep preparation of a deep sealing and cleansing. What if God over this 40 days would begin to visit people with a revelation of Jesus. To seal their heart with an inward fire and out of that He says, “Who will go for me to the Jewish peoples? Who will go for me to the unreached?”  And we’ll say, “Here am I, send me.” Because it’s time for the great awakening, the unveiling of Yeshua, to the Jewish peoples. Let’s prepare our hearts and then dare to believe that God is going to hurl forth laborers to the lost sheep of the House of Israel.





Lou Engle Ministries exists to mobilize fasting and contending prayer, to envision and empower Stadium Christianity, and to mobilize justice prayer movements into the nations of the earth. 


Day 14: The Devil Left Him

Day 14: The Devil Left Him

Video Transcription

You know, I know many of you are on this fast, however you’re doing it, you may be struggling I just want to encourage you in the midst of your struggle. God just loves you. The fact that you’re desiring just to fast, pursuing him, I just think God’s heart is so moved. I think he writes you down in His diary in these days.

I remember one time I was in seminary and I was going after God, and it snowed in Ashland, Ohio, and I ran out into the snow and I said, “God I’m going to throw myself into the snow and I’m going to be face down and I’m going to stay here until you meet me.” And I laid down and stayed there for 30 seconds, it was so cold. But I think God wrote me down in his diary. it said, “It didn’t look good, but Lou it moved my heart.” You’re moving God’s heart in this fast. I know that many of you are struggling with personal issues. Issues, maybe in your marriage, issues with your family, your children. You’re crying out for answers, and nothing seems to have moved.

I want to dare to believe that what happened with Jesus will happen with us in this 40-day fast. He was tempted of the devil for 40 days. I believe there are addictions in people’s lives things you prayed you cried out nothing’s broken through. I want to encourage you that the end of that fast where the devil himself has come to sift Him and to tempt him and to destroy him on that final part of that fast, where he overcomes satan in that 40 days. That next scripture says this, “Then the devil left him.” 

It just jumped off the page and I felt faith in my heart….areas in my life, something, I believe the rhema word of God came to me, “…and the devil’s going to leave you.”

I want to prophesy this over your life, over your family, the devil is going to leave you! I believe the 40-day fast is an act of spiritual warfare. In your humility and humbling yourself, God will exalt you, He’ll cut off the horns of the wicked one and exalt the horn of the righteous.  Let’s dare to believe and we’ll shout it to the world “The devil left me!” 

Let’s hold on for your children, “the devil left them!”

 Let’s hold on for you “…and the devil left that left our marriage!”  Oh brothers and sisters let’s believe that as we overcome, He will destroy the works of the devil in our life.





Lou Engle Ministries exists to mobilize fasting and contending prayer, to envision and empower Stadium Christianity, and to mobilize justice prayer movements into the nations of the earth. 


Day 13: Your Daughters shall Prophesy

Day 13: Your Daughters shall Prophesy

Video Transcription

I’ll pour out my spirit on all flesh your sons, and your daughters will prophesy. The spirit of prophecy is here tonight. This is what my sister was doing, she was prophesying, she was under a spirit of prophecy. You can feel it when it has a spirit of prophecy on it. There are anointed women who are going to carry the anointing of Luke 4:18.


God wants to give us dreams and blow the lids off of what we thought we couldn’t do. Dreams give us, I call them “prayer-digms”. Shift them, whole mentalities, now. Come Holy Spirit! Just open up your heart. Come Holy Spirit! Dormant dreams that you thought could never happen because you were disqualified or in order, we unleashed that right now! Dreams that exploded as a little girl, we loose you to fly.

[crowd shouting/praying]

Fly! Reach out to touch the face of God. 

[Music] [crowd shouting/praying]

We loose the daughters of a new American Revolution.

We lose it in Jesus name!

[crowd shouting/praying]

Generals of intercession some of you are having like visions, eruptions in your inner being you feel it.  Like hope that is exploding when you thought it was all dead.


We loose it!

[crowd shouting/praying]

Come on, just loose it, and let it go, just let that spirit go. Just Break through all that self-consciousness all that stuff that tells you who you aren’t.

It’s a new day, Come Holy Spirit.

Shackles are being broken. You are the free woman.

[crowd shouting/praying]

I feel like some of you are being marked right now like a Joan of Arc. God’s marking you like a Joan of Arc. 

[Music] [crowd shouting/praying]

And if you want this, I just want you lift your hands where you are, He’s going to mark you, He’s going to mark you, I just hear him saying, “Are you willing? Are you willing? Are you willing?

Are you willing? Are you willing?”

Come on say yes, just say yes, it’s a simple yes. Come on. Yeah father, right now we ask God would you mark them like you did Joan of Arc, this warring woman God. This warring woman, would you mark them God? That they would burn. Father we ask right now for the spirit of burning over your daughters. Release, God, the fire of the Holy Spirit. The fire of The Holy Spirit. Mark them Lord. Mark them God. Pure ones, consecrated ones, set apart for the Lord. Holy unto the Lord! Holy unto the Lord! Holy unto the Lord! Holy unto the Lord!

[crowd shouting/praying][praying in tongues]

Fire of the Holy Spirit. Fire of the Holy Spirit.

Fuego de le spiritu santo! Fuego de le spiritu santo! Fuego! Fuego!

I just, there’s something going on tonight. I believe women are going to start moving in the most extraordinary words of knowledge. The woman at the well, Jesus identified her and it changed her whole life. Come on, can we all ask release that Luke 4:18, signs, words of knowledge so prophetic. Come on, I want you to believe for this. Tonight we say there’s a ceiling being removed and the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Spirit of prophecy, I see in the middle of night bubbling up out of your innermost being, they won’t even know why. You’ll be beginning to just speak in tongues. We’ve only known a dribble of tongues, but there is coming there is a river flowing from the throne crystal clear and beautiful, with a power all its own, proceeding from the Father, mediated through the son, God the Holy Spirit.

Now on us! Come! Lift your hearts open say Come Holy Spirit! Oh, stir up the spirit of prophecy. Jesus that all my people were prophets. Oh, that they were all prophets.  Lord, loose in the atmosphere in these days God, men and women. 

What’s just happened in Kansas City, loose it all over the body, God. Words of knowledge.

I find myself longing in this atmosphere, if I could start moving in a word of knowledge with names, you would be changed forever. All God has to do is name you, women. I want you to dare to ask God, “take me into a new realm of the spirit.” How many of you feel this would long for this? Once you begin to ask Him, ask seek knock, keep seeking how much more shall the father give The Holy Spirit than a man? Can this be a night where we begin to say, “God unleash the full measure of your Holy Spirit!” Go ahead and ask Him.

I said it this morning, just keep asking, there are women who have had dreams of preaching with signs and wonders in stadiums. How many of those are here? Those are not just dreams or invitations to go after this in faith. You can’t say it’s impossible. Blessed is she who believed what God has spoken, would be fulfilled. Break off those lies, tonight I believe, I’m going to move in a posture of faith, if it takes me 20 years I’ve set my face.

[Music] [crowd shouting/praying][music]

It’s not just a dream, it was an access point of heaven. In fact, if you allow me I want those who have believed that God is going to use them like an Amy Simple McPherson, or signs and wonders and miracles and preaching, I want you to come right now and maybe this is off program. Come! Listen, if the word has come, over all these years, that He is loosing, Luke 4:18 has come at last. Then we should lay hold of that in expectations.

[crowd praying/groaning][music]

Recall the dream, recall the vision, when it erupted inside of you. Was that your thoughts? No, that was the Spirit erupting inside of you, visiting in the night, kissing you with his heart and thoughts. From here on in you begin to pray for everybody that’s sick. You don’t wait for a stadium you begin to pray for everybody that’s sick you begin to release deliverance.


I remember one of the first times I ever fasted I fasted 10 days with one thing on my mind. I want to see demons cast out. [crowd shouting/praying]

On the tenth day my pastor called me said, “Lou, there’s a woman here that needs deliverance I came there, suddenly she began to pound her head on the table and speak in the demonic tongues and in the name of Jesus instantaneously she’s delivered. Listen, this kind comes not out but by prayer and fasting. Come on Father in the name of Jesus, we just loose this 4:18 mantle

We lose Anna Cane’s words into the earth, into women

[crowd shouting/praying][music]

 Pray in the Spirit, don’t be spectators right now.

[crowd shouting/praying][music]

Loose Jesus the evangelist. Loose Jesus the evangelist, in the women.


When I gave this call ma’am I looked and I knew that spirit is upon you. In the house there’s safety and faith. Loose heaven, loose it on her. You saw me, you saw me look at you, Lord help her to believe, loose the gift of faith, loose the gift of faith,


[Song] The spirit of the Lord is upon me because the Lord has anointed me. To bring good news to the poor. He has sent me to bind up the broken heart. To proclaim liberty to the captives and the opening of the prison to those who are bound.


[Song] To proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor. And the day of vengeance of our God. To comfort all mourn to grant to those who mourn in Zion, To give them a beautiful headdress instead of ashes, The oil of gladness instead of mourning, the garment of praise instead of faint spirit.

Some, with your skeptical minds would say, “Oh, this is just charismatic craziness,” Know when a word comes, like Luke 4:18 came so sovereignly, we have to begin to move in faith. we can’t be cynics. We can’t be cynics on what God’s doing. Our unbelief has kept us from our promised land. Come Holy Spirit, stir it up young ladies. He said fan in the flame the gift that is in you by the laying on of hands. Fight the good fight of faith, but the prophecies that were spoken over you pull those back up and get out of the… Awake daughter of Zion! Awake daughter! Shake off the dust. Arise! Oh the lies let them be broken.  God loves me!


As a father I want my daughters to fly. I give you wings, even in fasting, you get light-winged, you fly like you couldn’t fly, in the name of Jesus. God, give them wings


Give them the winged life. 

[Song] The spirit of the Lord is upon me because He has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor to the poor. Lord, He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners.





Lou Engle Ministries exists to mobilize fasting and contending prayer, to envision and empower Stadium Christianity, and to mobilize justice prayer movements into the nations of the earth. 


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