
Day 40: Let us catch this moment

Day 40: Let us catch this moment

Video Transcription

Hello brothers and sisters. Wow, it’s the final day of the fast. I just got a text recently from a man in Canada. 35 days on water and a little brown water, you know what that is with a little cream. However you’ve done the fast, I believe this fast is moving heaven. We just got a testimony form a guy, a dear brother in Galilee, and he’s saying, “We are receiving phone calls. Jewish people having visitations. People are being baptized. I can’t even keep up with the messaging.” Something is going on, you can just feel it. I’ve been on, because of this Yeshua fast that we’ve called. 

Worldwide networks of watchmen on the walls are connecting with me, and it’s like something has happened to release this sound of this global ‘Ruth’ call, “Your people will be my people.” It’s stunning to me that at the time we’ve released this Ruth call, is when all this is taking place in Israel with the rockets. So the media is launching massive propaganda. Massive fake news, pointing the finger at the atrocities of Israel. And it’s provoking world-wide anti-Semitism. Just look at the media, we see what’s happening, at the same time we’ve said, we are releasing Ruth’s vow as a weapon to restrain anti-Semitism. This is none other than a conflict in the heavens and it’s being manifested in the war that’s going on there. 

We are in a Daniel moment, where I believe arch angels are actually engaging in the heavens. It’s like Daniel’s fast, something huge is shifting. My friend Chris Berglund has this dream which I’ve already shared, that we are now in the times of 1944 to 1948. That means we are in the times of Reece Howell’s prayers for Israel to become a nation. We are in the times of Billy Graham and massive evangelism beginning to break out. We’re in the times when ‘Atomic Power Through Prayer and Fasting’ was taking place to release great salvation to the earth, Great Latter rain outpourings, And the restoration of the land. We are in Truman times, in the time of the atomic bomb. This is what we are doing, we are releasing atomic power in the heavens, so the veil can be ripped. 

Oh, brothers and sisters, let us catch and be stunned by the moment in which we are in. And by the way on this last day of the fast, it doesn’t stop here, I believe we are in the season of 44’ to 48’, epic eras, epic times. Mike Bickle unveils to me Daniel chapter 11 and 12, and suddenly stand up and shouts, “This is your 21st day!” Its awakening. And now I’m preaching this, I just share it with this major world-wide network. That I’m realizing now that what is happening to me, is what we’re praying will happen all over the world. And people that are praying for this are being encouraged by my own spiritual awakening to Israel. I’m just shocked by it, that what has happened to me is like, He is awakening to the Jewish people, through prophetic revelation. I’m having this similar awakening like Peter to the gentiles. I’m having a similar awakening to the Jewish people, and it’s giving people encouragement all over the world. That what is happening in me is actually happening all over the globe. And Stuart greaves of IHOP said to me, “Lou, you know what’s going on? Remember your encounter in 1996 in that 40 day fast where you heard the audible voice of god say, “Stretch forth a wakening rod all over the earth. Will you do that?” He said, Lou this is what you are doing. You are stretching a wakening rod over the Jewish people for their salvation as the fasting and prayers are ripping the veil, its releasing an awakening. But the other rod you are releasing is actually an awakening rod to the Church worldwide, the global Ruth church, that she would see what she couldn’t see and she would begin to cry out “Your people will be my people” Do you get it? Something in this fast is a huge worldwide shift to the church. Ruth’s call and a worldwide awakening to the Jewish peoples. 

On this final day, I want to encourage you, I believe what we have been a part of, only heaven will record. The massive spiritual battle that is making massive shifts, I believe over the whole earth. 

On Shavuot, we loose that global proclamation to the ends of the earth, “Your people will be my people.” I can feel the shock waves going on in this. As you know, I’ve shared this if you’ve followed me at all, how the Lord has put on my heart this word “Next year in Jerusalem” I could see myself and maybe thousands coming to Jerusalem next year, for celebrating Pentecost as the diaspora Jews would say, “Next year in Jerusalem!”

Well, I feel that that statement could galvanize the whole world, that next year, and I’m launching it right now at the end of this 40 day fast, that next year I want us to prepare for a massive global fasting season between Pentecost and Passover for Jerusalem. What if the whole world fasting, were now focused on Jerusalem? The coming of Yeshua the King, praying for the peace of Jerusalem, that there will be, uh, I don’t know what it all looks like, but I can feel it. And every time I bring this up, people said, “I’m there.” It’s like it awakens their heart, it’s like “I’ve got to be there”. Could we believe for this next year in Jerusalem? I shared this word and I went into IHOP and as I go in, the worship leader is singing and I’m asking the Lord, “What about next year in Jerusalem?” He begins singing “what about next year in Jerusalem?” I guess he had heard a message of mine. It shook me, and I knew the Lord was saying, God was asking me, Lou, what about next year in Jerusalem? 

So we are not ending a 40 day fast today, we are inaugurating a year, focusing on the salvation of the Jews, on Jerusalem, worldwide awakening to the Jewish peoples, leading to the great harvest of the earth. Can I just say this? I believe Chris Berglund’s dream that stirred up Mike Bickle to teach on John 13-17, as the greatest sermon ever told by Jesus, in preparation for The SEND in the stadium next year. In the dream, Mike Bickle and I were in a chariot together receiving a golden envelope, a message. He has a vision of the 3rd day, an open vision, only the second in his life, what god spoke to his, is that he was to release this great message of john 13 through 17. It’s called the upperoom discourse. He’s going to be teaching on it all year, I believe it is a message to prepare us for The SEND next year. Because in the dream Bob Jones was sitting in the back smiling. This is what I believe, I believe the chariot has been his 40 day fast, and our 40 day fast leading to this time. I believe a message has been released to Mike Bickle through an open vision. It’s the preparation of the heart. In the dream we had to get this message to The SEND guys, The SEND leaders, and to the stadium. Can I tell you oh brothers and sisters, can we give this next year, praying for The SEND, that some major message from heaven would be unleashed? Actually I believe that my part in the chariot, is that I am to begin to carry Bob Jones prophesies. It’s the Truman property time, It’s the Truman prophesies. It’s the time of the billion soul harvest that Bob Jones delivered to Mike Bickle. It’s the times of the precession, that from Blue Ridge there will be a precession all the way to the Chief’s stadium. It’s the time of the prophecy where the Chiefs win the super bowl, even though it was 2 years ago. The great, great awakening and revival, and billion soul harvest will begin”

Brothers and sisters, in this last day of the feast, let us not say, “well, now we can relax.” No, let’s take a year and purpose ourselves. Maybe we are in the days of the great great revival. To the Jew first! And also to the gentile. What if these are the days of the great outpourings of America? 80 million souls, 200,000 laborers. Christie Brennt’s word that when the five waves would come, the pandemic, social unrest, economic upheaval, lawlessness, and homelessness. In those days the great evangelistic explosion would take place, and it would be in the days when the capital was broken in two. It would be in the days, when the President of the United States would be silenced and the flag of America would fall down for a little while, and then it would be raised up. 

Brothers and sisters, who knows. We could have birthed this season. A revival and awakening, and these are the days to keep praying. Even now a court case has come before the Supreme Court, that actually could be the beginnings of the reversal of Roe v Wade. What are the chances that this could happen in the last week of our fast? Oh, I believe heaven has heard, but it’s not done hearing. He’s saying like Daniel, when the arch angel has come to him, after the breakthrough against the Prince of Persia and he says to Daniel, “I’m about ready to return, and I will once again have to take up my fight with the Prince of Persia.” We can’t just sit on a breakthrough, we need to sustain these seasons of fasting and prayers, and pursue. “Let’s go to The SEND next year, let’s go to Jerusalem.” We’ll be those whose names are written, maybe no man will know us, but our names are written in the journals of heaven. They moved principalities and powers. And God came down and said, Oh man, oh company, greatly beloved, this is heaven’s estimate of you. Thank you for joining me in this fast. Stay tuned in Lou Engle’s ministries as we continue to release messages from heaven. Amen, love you guys, thank you for your sacrifice.





Lou Engle Ministries exists to mobilize fasting and contending prayer, to envision and empower Stadium Christianity, and to mobilize justice prayer movements into the nations of the earth. 


Day 39: International Business Fast

Day 39: International Business Fast

Video Transcription

One of the hidden, yet most profound thing that is happening on the earth today is the movement between Israel and the Palestinians, as it concerns economics. If you can imagine to yourself the newspapers and everything you hear. You hear about two state solutions nations, you hear about separation walls, you hear about two peoples never getting along. And yet there is a movement today, in the area of business, that is bringing the Israelis and Palestinians together. Together, Sheik Ahraf Jabari, who is the head of the Muslim Cleric that is at the helm of a 40,000 member family (not to mention the largest business movement among the Palestinian people today) formed what is called the Judea and Samaria Chamber of Commerce, with an Israeli Jewish man, Avi Zimmerman. This was formed about 3 years ago, wondering and hoping and wishing, that maybe the two could come together and create a joint business proposition for Israeli’s and Palestinians that are wanting to work together. 

I believe it is so important during this time of fasting and prayer, That we on this journey pray into this new platform that is taking place inside of Israel today. As a result of their commitment to see this business endeavor come to the fore, between these two people groups. God has blessed them and caused 700 businesses to form just in the last couple of years. If there is a movement on the face of the earth today, it is between the Israelis and Palestinians. Who want to shed pretense, who want to put the enmity behind them, and they want their children to prosper inside the area called Judea and Samaria, or the West Bank. They want a new lease on life. The Palestinians don’t want to be a low-income refugee status. They want to see themselves prosper. They want economic development, and they know that it cannot happen without relationships with the Israelis. So here is where we stand today, an opportunity to jump up on the wall, and pray into this endeavor that is taking place. We brought Avi and sheik to Capitol Hill, and they met with a group of US senators and US House leaders. What came out of that meeting is so important. As they listened to this Palestinian Sheik, who is leading the largest business movement among the Palestinian people today. They heard him say to the lawmakers, “Stop supporting a Palestinian economy. We can’t succeed by you building into a Palestinian economy that is not associated with Israel. We need you to support integrated business. A way forward for Israelis and Palestinians to prosper together. And as a result of this meeting a piece of legislation was passed in December 2020, through the House and Senate, obligating congress to infuse investments into integrated business between Palestinians and Israelis for the very first time. This is a momentous occasion. This is a change in US policy for good. And we believe God is raising up this movement inside the Middle East today that coincides with the Abraham Accords, the treaties, the very first formation of Arab treaties with Israel and the United States. It is a wonderworking season of time between the Arabs and Israelis. And I think it is important that as watchmen on the wall, we stand at this momentous occasion, and understand what is happening and we call forth these things that God anticipated would take place in these last days.





Lou Engle Ministries exists to mobilize fasting and contending prayer, to envision and empower Stadium Christianity, and to mobilize justice prayer movements into the nations of the earth. 


Day 38: Elections

Day 38: Elections

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It’s been 2 years and 4 elections and Israel is still stumbling to try and form a government. The longstanding Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had to return the mandate this week because so many have defected from him. And he has been unable to form a right-wing government. The mandate has been handed to Yair Lapid, a left wing politician, and also Naftali Bennet a very right-wing politician, to try to form what is called, a unity government, sort of a kaleidoscope government. A very difficult task indeed. If you kind of think about it in terms of the United States. It would be like putting Donald Trump and Joe Biden together, and they would have to form some sort of a coalition for a cabinet. This is what lies ahead for Israel in the next 28 days. Trying to form a unity government. 

Yair Lapid is very far to the left. It is in doubt as to whether he has the ability to lead Israel at this time through the gambit of difficulties they are facing coming out of covid-19; the economic challenges, the security threats, the diplomacy hazards. And then on top of it, you have Naftali Bennet who is pulling everything to the right. So the difficulty lies ahead. I believe what we get to do in the next number of days and weeks, is inside this time of fasting and prayer, we have the tremendous opportunity to join God to pray in His will concerning Israel’s government. God is not going to be mocked when it comes to the nation of Israel. He is going to fulfill His promises. He is going to do exactly what He said He would do.  He is not sighing in heaven, wondering what is going to happen. But I do believe that this is a time we get to enforce a victory for the country. So we need to pray that if indeed a unity government is formed, that the conservative party would be able to hold onto the key ministerial positions of the education, and security, and finance. Very important, as Israel tries to lead the way, now with a financially empowered Islamic republic of Iran. International forums coming in like an onslaught against Israel led by a foreign policy team under President Joe Biden. So the challenges are steep and Israel is in a precarious situation. But not too precarious for God. I’m so glad to be on this journey with you. Let’s join in seriously in praying for the formation of Israel’s government.





Lou Engle Ministries exists to mobilize fasting and contending prayer, to envision and empower Stadium Christianity, and to mobilize justice prayer movements into the nations of the earth. 


Day 37: Spiritual Aliyah

Day 37: Spiritual Aliyah

Video Transcription

Shalom, I thank God that he is calling His people locally to stand in the gap for Israel. I’m going to share for just a few minutes on Aliyah to Israel and to God. We know that the Jewish people were scattered all over the world in the last 140 years, 6 and a half million Jews have come back to Israel, Israel has been reborn as a nation. There is still 6.5 million that need to come back. So God is calling His people through scripture, calling them back to the land of Israel, but also calling them back to the God of Israel. We are encouraging people to pray that they would come back to the land, and that they would come back to their God. Because He says, “when the Lord builds up Zion, then He will return in His glory.” So the Messiah, The King is not coming back until the Jewish people return to their land and return to Messiah, to their God, to their King. So we stand in the gap, we encourage you to pray for the fullness of Aliyah in the natural. ?? , but also for the fullness for spiritual Aliyah that they would recognize their God and recognize their king, and recognize their messiah.

 It says this in Ezekiel 37:

 “The hand of the Lord was on me, and he brought me out by the Spirit of the Lord and set me in the middle of a valley; it was full of bones. He led me back and forth among them, and I saw a great many bones on the floor of the valley, bones that were very dry. He asked me, “Son of man, can these bones live?” I said, “Sovereign Lord, you alone know.” Then he said to me, “Prophesy to these bones and say to them, ‘Dry bones, hear the word of the Lord! This is what the Sovereign Lord says to these bones: I will make breath” (or the Holy Spirit) enter you, and you will come to life. I will attach tendons to you and make flesh come upon you and cover you with skin; I will put breath in you, and you will come to life. Then you will know that I am the Lord.’”  

So I prophesied as I was commanded. And as I was prophesying, there was a noise, a rattling sound, and the bones came together, bone to bone. I looked, and tendons and flesh appeared on them and skin covered them, but there was no breath in them. Then he said to me, “Prophesy to the breath; prophesy, son of man, and say to it, ‘This is what the Sovereign Lord says: Come, breath, (come Holy spirit, from the four winds, from the North, South, East. and West,) and breathe into these slain, that they may live.’”

So we pray that God will raise up intercessors that will bring them back, bow them back to Israel, for Aliyah, naturally blow them back, that the holy spirit will enter them, that they will be born again in to the Kingdom of God.

“So I prophesied as I was commanded, breath entered them; they came to life and stood up on their feet—an exceeding great army. Then he said to me: “Son of man, these bones are the people of Israel. They say, ‘Our bones are dried up and our hope is gone; we are cut off.’  Therefore prophesy and say to them: ‘This is what the Sovereign Lord says: My people, I am going to open your graves and bring you up from them; I will bring you back to the land of Israel. Then you, my people, will know that I am the Lord, when I open your graves and bring you up from them.  I will put my Spirit in you and you will live, and I will settle you in your own land. Then you will know that I the Lord have spoken, and I will do it, declares the Lord.’” 

Thank you for standing in the gap for the breakthrough for Aliyah, the breakthrough for natural Aliyah, spiritual Aliyah, we bless you from the nations, also stand in the gap that God will give Israel the government, not that they deserve, but the best government for this next season. That He would sync from heaven. He is the King of Israel from heaven that he would call his people to be willing in the day of his army, cause the Knesset to be synchronized with Heaven. And have the government that God has purposed for them that will best serve His purpose for this generation. Preparing the way for the coming of the Messiah, and bringing stability and righteousness and justice to the nation of Israel. Which are the scepters of His thrown, preparing the way for King Messiah to come back to Yerushalayim. God bless you, thank you for standing with Israel.





Lou Engle Ministries exists to mobilize fasting and contending prayer, to envision and empower Stadium Christianity, and to mobilize justice prayer movements into the nations of the earth. 


Day 36: Times and Seasons

Day 36: Times and Seasons

Video Transcription

Continuing on this them with IHOP. If you watched the last 2 videos I’m actually here for the last days of this fast, and I’m really taken with the vision with Arrowhead Stadium and that there would be this procession from Blue Ridge, where Forerunner Church is with Mike Bickle, that there would be a procession of people lined up all the way from Blue Ridge to that stadium and I’m gripped with the SEND going to Arrowhead stadium next year. I just get this deep sense that we are in a year long build up, possibly to June of 2022. We are in a year long build up to believe and pray and contend for the promises. I feel that something is going to take place there that is unusual. I want to call intercessors from all over the world to even begin to put their ear toward what God is doing. Their hearts next to the shoulder of Jesus. Let me hear your heart beat for Kansas City, THE SEND, for the stadium next year. I remember years ago that at one of the OneThing gatherings, and TheCall was there. Loren Cunningham came and spoke about the prayer movement being joined to the mission’s movement. Wouldn’t it be extraordinary, that intercessors, people in houses of prayer from all over the world would gather to that stadium? What if thousands, tens of thousands of evangelists would gather, and missionaries would gather. What if messianic Jews from all over the world would gather there, to cry to God, that this would be the days of the fulfillment of the Truman properties, that 500 intercessors would grow to 5000 in a day. What if we are in those kinds of days? You see, this is how we live our lives brothers and sisters. We let our hearts get attunes to the possibilities, to the prophetic witnesses, we become alive again. And we begin to pray those promise with renewed expectancies. See, this is what happens when prophetic whirlwinds take place, they enlighten and ignite the body of Christ. Book of Luke, angels start appearing, prophesies begin to take place, the people begin asking questions “who is this, what manner of child this be?” Shepherds hear the angels, this shall be a sign, Simeon and Anna begin to prophesy. This is how it happens, we alert ourselves to the wonders in fasting actually makes us alive, in this book. If I can just find it, I love this quote by Dan Allender, he said, “Fasting is not a tool for gaining discipline or piety, instead fasting is the act of ridding ourselves of fullness to attune our senses to the mysteries that swirl in and around us. Sometimes God shows up, sometimes He feeds us, and every now and then He throws His wild Glory before us like bursting constellations” I’ve got to admit, maybe your fast is a struggle. I feel like bursting constellations in these days. ”Fasting is an act of ridding ourselves of fullness to attune our senses to the mysteries that swirl in and around us. Sometimes God shows up, sometimes He feeds us, and every now and then He throws His wild Glory before us like bursting constellations.” Are we in the days between 1944 and 1948? If we are these are high days indeed, never will we be closer to this central glory, come on!





Lou Engle Ministries exists to mobilize fasting and contending prayer, to envision and empower Stadium Christianity, and to mobilize justice prayer movements into the nations of the earth. 


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