
Day 35: Revelation 3

Day 35: Revelation 3

Video Transcription

Once again brothers and sisters, I’m pretty gripped today concerning a dream that actually was catalytic in MB 40 day fast from March 1 through April 9th. And part of what gripped him was a dream that my friend Chris Berglund had, and in the dream, Mike and I were in a golden chariot flying and in the dream, Bob Jones was sitting in the back of the chariot and he was smiling. And in the dream, a golden envelope was being given to Mike. Well it’s a very interesting dream and actually Mike felt, as he shared the beginning of his fast, that this dream along with another encounter was very significant for him, and it was about revelations chapter 3. That the Laodecian spirit, that is between lukewarm, I would that you were hot or cold, but because you are lukewarm, I will spew you out of my mouth. The whole passage is about buying gold refined by fire. He is knocking on our door so we can dine with Him in the highest dimensions of intimacy. I feel like I’m in those days during this fast. And I’m even wondering if that chariot is the two fasts that Mike and I have been on.  His fast from March 1 to April 9th and our fast right up to Pentecost maybe we are flying in a chariot and we are receiving this golden letter, and he taught almost the whole fast on Revelations 3, purify our hearts from things that keep us from burning, to deliver us from a culture of a Laodicean spirit. What keeps us from burning bright> the dullness of our souls. Luke warmness. I believe that is part of the golden letter that is coming. During the fast we are refined with fire. That fire burns out the chaff and that causes us to long for heavenly realities. This is why the bride will fast when He is gone, because she longs for Him and she must know Him according to the spirit. Fasting is to help us know Yeshua according to the Spirit he said to the disciples. When I’m here you won’t fast because you’ve got me flesh and blood, but when I go, the bride is going to fast and she is going to long for me and know me according to the Spirit because fasting opens up the spiritual wells of the soul. I think we are in that chariot right now, but not just that. Why is Bob Jones in the chariot? I can’t tell you, I’m finding myself longing to read Mike Bickle’s history. A book was given to me, “The life and legacy of Pat Bickle, the history of the Kansas City prophets” by a man named Daniel Falls. I’m not sure that it is a biography that Mike has put his stamp on but the first chapter, is about Truman. And it’s just like, out of nowhere is Truman. I just visited Truman’s house, Truman is the guy, the President, who because President out of nowhere. The most unlikely guy, and yet, he is the guy that drops the bomb, as controversial as that was, that is where the book came from, “atomic power through prayer and fasting” and Truman is the guy who moves the United Nations to give Israel a homeland and make it its own state. I feel we are in these days. Bob Jones prophecies, the Truman property with Mike Bickle. The prophesies about a man that would love Israel, and the song birds would sing day and night. And they would raise up a 100 million intercessors for Israel. Again what I’m saying is I feel like I can’t get enough of this during this fast. Because I feel as an intercessor I feel responsible to steward and pray and bring forth Mike’s prophecies. I don’t know what’s going on. I find myself with a great love for this man and for the movement of IHOP. I want to just say, lets open our hearts. Could we be in a new stage of the birth canal? The procession from Blue Ridge to Arrowhead stadium. Oh, brothers and sisters join me in prayer. Father, I want to thank you that you do not fasten our soul to a dead end vision we thank you that the prophetic words came, and oh those words have been tested and tried. And today a people stand day and night, holding fast this word. We pray with groanings, give birth to the days of Reece Howells intercessor. When Israel became a nation. Give birth to the days of atomic power through prayer and fasting, the Luke 4:18 manifestations of signs and wonders and words of knowledge would break forth in the earth even greater than the healing revivals. Oh lord bring forth the prophesises of Truman, the prophecies when Israel, something new and fresh, the salvation of the Jews. Of god would you raise up 100 million intercessors for Israel, oh God we are groaning in these days, we want to know yoru times and seasons, and lik edamiel set our face to see the fullfillment of the unrolling of the scroll of the last days, come, Maranatha, come Lord Jesus. Father, I bless those in this fast. Lord, no matter what little their fast is, or how awesome, catch them in to the yearning for Your presence. I bless them in Jesus name, Amen





Lou Engle Ministries exists to mobilize fasting and contending prayer, to envision and empower Stadium Christianity, and to mobilize justice prayer movements into the nations of the earth. 


Day 34: Your presence in heaven to me

Day 34: Your presence in heaven to me

Video Transcription

Hello brothers and sisters. We are coming into the final stretch of this fast. I trust that you’re drawing near to God and God is drawing near to you. Just singing that song, listening to that song, “your presence is heaven to me” today, just yearning, desiring, drawing near to the presence. Really that is what fasting is all about. But I want to go back to the day before the fast began. My friend Chris Berglund who has been my prophetic, unbelievable prophet to me. He had a dream in which he saw the numbers 1944. It was an acrostic to this dream and I don’t recall what those acrostics were, but he knew in the dream that it was Luke 19:44 and this is Luke 19:44. Speaking of Jesus entering into Jerusalem, the triumphal entry. They cry, “Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.” It’s a prefiguring of the day when Jesus himself, Yeshua, will come to Jerusalem. And the Jews will say “Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord.” But here Jesus weeps over Jerusalem. And he has wept for 1700 years or whatever, since the Jewish people did not received their messiah. They are scattered in the diaspora. They are coming back home, and we are praying in this fasting time that their heart of stone will now begin to be heart of flesh, because God is sending His spirit. He says this in verse 44, Luke 19:44, “he speaks of the judgments on Jerusalem, and then he says, “Because you did not know the time of your visitation.” In the dream the acrostic had to do with eye salve and limitless eye salve for the ecclesia. And he knew in the dream that it was an assignment that we would pray that the Jewish people would not miss the day of their visitation. I feel were in this kind of day. I feel we are in this amazing time. Everyone senses it, that we are in a day of visitation, all over the world. And in particular we’re believing for the visitation of Yeshua upon the Jewish peoples. But in the dream he also knew there was significance, and the assignment had to do with the season between 1944 and 1948. I can’t tell you how intense I found myself groaning yesterday, the seasons of 1944 to 1948 was in the times when Truman became president. This is the times when the atomic bomb was dropped. This was in the times that the insurgence in Israel began to rise up against the British rule over Palestine. This was the days of the build up to Israel becoming a nation. And I just can’t help but thinking it was also in the days of atomic power through prayer and fasting. 1944 is when they begin fasting in San Diego. The book is written in 1946, the build up to 1948, ‘49, Billy Graham , Israel becomes a nation, and I’ve found myself groaning, we are in those days again. And if so, we are in the days of a build up to the healing revivals, like maybe weve never seen, similar to ‘48, ‘49, ‘47. We are in the days of a great build up to something great in Israel. And in this dream I just find myself longing that I would not miss the days of our visitation. He’s coming. There’s fastings, waitings, longings. The bride is longing for her bridegroom. Something is going on with Israel, a great build up right now. Governmental upheaval is taking place right now. Antisemitism worldwide. But here we are in these days, and I don’t believe this fast is just for this fast right now. I believe it’s a build-up. Oh would you catch us all. We are in the days of Reece Howells when his bible school was praying for the ‘48 decision of the UN, giving Israel their homeland. Do you see it? Were in a season not just a moment. A season, the Luke 4:18 build up that is going on in Kansas City. My own encounters here over the last 30 days with Mike Bickle and others, the 22nd anniversary of day and night prayer. Oh my brothers and sisters, lets tune our hearts with fastings, yearnings, desirings, to know the times and the seasons. I feel we are in the birth canal of something glorious. Oh make my soul a womb for the coming of Christ, in His glory and in the great awakenings, in Jesus name.





Lou Engle Ministries exists to mobilize fasting and contending prayer, to envision and empower Stadium Christianity, and to mobilize justice prayer movements into the nations of the earth. 


Day 33: Keep Contending

Day 33: Keep Contending

Video Transcription

Today I want to go back as you may recall and you can go back to the devos. On the 4:18 story I shared a couple days ago, was such a whirlwind. I only thought that 4:18 was actually about a whole new breakthrough into Jesus ministry of Luke 4:18, The Spirit of the Lord is upon me. The Lord has anointed me to preach good news, to the afflicted. 

The miracles of Jesus, the evangelistic ministry of Jesus. That is so obviously true. And actually this is what I am contending for. Even through the last days of this fast, I am contending for that manifestation of Luke 4:18. But Jesus actually in that passage quotes Isaiah chapter 61. Of course you know that. But in this passage of Isaiah 61, of Luke 4:18, He is only bringing a brief dimension of what that passage is all about. Isaiah 61, He says “The spirit of the Lord is upon me because the Lord has anointed me to preach good tidings to the poor. He has sent me to heal the brokenhearted, proclaim liberty to captives, and opening of the prison doors to those who are bound, to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord.”

And then this, Jesus does not include this passage in the 4:18 passage, because it is not the time in His first coming. He is not talking about the last days judgments and the coming of the wrath of God to judge the rebellious and the rebellious nations. He says and to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord and the day of vengeance of our God. In other words if you go on to these passages you’ll find that Jesus is actually teaching of the last days and when he comes in judgements, I want to say that I believe that what’s happened to me in the last few days is simply a window to my own soul of the kind of times we are in. when Mike Bickle shared his revelation of the passage of [Daniel] 11 and 12, all about the last days. And this turning of my own heart to Israel. I believe something is shifting. I’ve tried to put my head close to the breast of Jesus, I want to be like a john the beloved. I want to hear his secrets. I believe something is going on. I know for many they’ve been in this revelations for years, I’ve just come lately, but because I’ve walked with a sense of divine timings I think we are in the passageway, building now, momentous building, toward the coming of the Lord. Both in this manifestation of healings, signs and wonders, miracles to the time when He is coming. The day of vengeance of God. The day of the Lord, the day of His own wrath to judge his enemies who refuse Him. And in that day we are actually believing that the Jews are going to see Christ. They will behold him and they will look upon him whom they have pierced. And they will mourn for him. I believe in that final day, that’s going to happen in a mass scale. But I believe there is a continuum. There is going to be an increasing, eyes of Jewish people seeing, mourning for what they’ve seen. We didn’t behold Him in his coming. We’ve gone through 1700 years of diaspora, but were coming home and we are beginning to see and though its only remnant now, its building to the time where there will be a mass scale unveiling. As god judges the nations according to how they treat Israel. Oh America, I cry make sure you hold your heart to Israel. Great Britain, why did you plant Israel into their nations in 1917 in the Balfour compact, you actually made a homeland, Great Britain, for Israel, for the Jewish peoples. And then in 1948, you betrayed you’re planting of Israel, and you uprooted them. You rose up against them in 1948 in the wars. You chose oil and money and you actually uprooted like a boar the very thing that you had planted. And from that point on Derek Prince says this, “from that point on, the British empire began to decline.” We are getting dreams, we’ll talk more about it. I believe Great Britain is going to rise up and say “Oh Israel, your people will be my people.” I don’t know if these make sense you know, I’m just kind of spewing these days. I’m full and I believe more is coming. I bless you today. Lord, in the name of Jesus I pray, loose the great 4:18 storyline. Both with your apostolic power and the coming of your days of judgment to judge the powers, to loose the light of God over the Jewish peoples, over the Arab peoples, make them one together in Yeshua’s name. We pray God that the nations will begin in these days, to say your people will be my people. Lord release revelation upon the nations. In Yeshua’s name, in Jesus name, amen.





Lou Engle Ministries exists to mobilize fasting and contending prayer, to envision and empower Stadium Christianity, and to mobilize justice prayer movements into the nations of the earth. 


Day 32: An encounter

Day 32: An encounter

Video Transcription

I’ve shared with you over the years in these fasts in our devos I have found that in fasting, we get understanding even as to our own callings. We have breakthroughs of revelation, I’ve said fasting makes your life a landing strip for revelation. This took place in my own journey several days ago, I had been saturating myself in a song by a Brazilian artist, Fernandinho. And maybe I shared this already, but I want to just share this again in case I didn’t. I’ve been saturating myself in this song called Yeshua, I want to encourage you, in certain times one song will come your way, and that song opens up something in your soul, don’t quickly pass from this song. I remember years ago at an intercessors for America gathering, maybe 30 years ago, the first time I met Cindy Jacobs. There was worship going on at that time. The worship leader said this. The key to worship leading is find the song God is resting on and remain ether until He lifts. And they went on this one song over and over and over again. It carried me away. I’ve been on this song and literally it’s been carrying me away. I was listening to hours just yeshua, yeshua, yeshua. 

Can I just encourage you? Be filled with the spirit during these days, sing, making melody and harp, songs and hymns and spiritual songs. I realize we are to live in this constant continuous state of offering up praise. It’s been such a wonderful time for me in my own journey. Just singing in tongues and singing songs. Particularly I would wake up in the morning with a song in my heart. And that song that wakes you in the morning is probably the song to carry you for the whole day. I woke up with this song, “for Zion’s sake I will not keep silent”. For Zions sake. To carry it all day, For Zion’s sake I will not keep quiet. In this song Yeshua, I take just a moment to lay my head back, and I fell asleep and I woke up with this exploding of a dream. It was like a text from heaven. I ran to my wife saying God just texted me” it said, “To the Jew first.” I knew he was calling me to a major shift in my life. Kind of scary to say this because I know I move by assignments, God will move me in one way and another way. But I believe in that moment, the Lord said to you, your first priority for the rest of your life is Israel.

 I knew its coming to me for years, I’ve been reading Isaiah 49. It’s too small a thing to call to restore the tribes of Jacob. I’ve called you to be a light to the gentiles. I felt God would use that in Isaiah 49, that he has called me and used me as a light to the gentiles, in whatever small way God’s hand is upon me. But I’ve always known God was going to reverse that scripture. And the day would come when it would call me to be a part of the awakening and revival of the tribes of Israel. I’m just so rejoicing that in this fast, I’ve found a great destiny shift and awakening. And my soul is rejoicing in it. I want to pray for you, that you would have this kind of destiny dream. That God will awaken you to thoughts you’ve never had and then you will explode with fresh motivation because the Lord is actually calling you upward in to the prize of the high calling of Christ. 

So Father, in Jesus name, I loose even in these days, I loose fresh wind, fresh motivation, light to break into their darkness. That Lord they’ll find kisses from heaven, divine surprises that they never expected to come. I pray they would go to bed at night and say “God, I’m expecting heaven to come to earth and that angels would ascend and descend. Make my nightlife sleeping Bethels. This is none other than the gate of heaven, the House of God. Encourage my brothers and sisters on the fast. It’s not in vain. We break the lie that nothing is happening. We declare that even as Daniel’s fast of 21 days, in this extreme weariness, where people are weary right now. We are believing that something is coming to them. And maybe they won’t see it right away, but we know that light will shine into their darkness. I release dreams and encouragement, spirit of prophecy, people coming to them, giving them words. Let these be the days where they walk with this sense almost like a peek-a-boo, “What’s god going to do next?” I’m looking, I’m waiting, I’m expecting. Oh brothers and sisters, He comes to expectancy. Stir it up and dare to believe. Go back over your prophesies. Go back, Fan into flame the gift that is in you by the laying on of hands. Go through your life, look where god has broken through in your life. Where he gave you moments where a glimpse of heaven took place, or a glimpse of destiny. Set yourself on a vision quest. And set yourself on the ultimate quest, God I want a face to face encounter with you. I’m seeking your face, open your face to me. I bless you in Jesus name. Amen.





Lou Engle Ministries exists to mobilize fasting and contending prayer, to envision and empower Stadium Christianity, and to mobilize justice prayer movements into the nations of the earth. 


Day 31: Daniel

Day 31: Daniel

Video Transcription

Continuing on with the theme from yesterday. On the 21st day a major life changing breakthrough for my own life. I know I was grafted in, in love. And at one point with those 10 Jewish leaders and evangelists on the phone, my friend, and older brother, prayed and I was thinking on the phone. I could feel the heaviness, the “Chabad”, the glory of God. And then my Jewish apostle friend Asher Intrater, just said do you feel the “Chabad”, the weight, the sense of the weightiness of the presence at this moment, it was glorious,. And that was in the morning, and then that afternoon, in a remarkable way, I was at IHOP and Mike Bickle pulled me in the back room and gave me a 3 ½ hour lesson , a revelation on Daniel 11:12 

And I never put it together like this. That I felt like yesterday put all the pieces together on this Daniel storyline I’ve been on. And maybe if you want to turn with me to Daniel. You know my story of the 40 day fast in 2009 where I dreamed that my belly was being operated on and midway through I said, “Lord are you trying to make me a Daniel?” I believe this is a Daniel fast for Israel, for something mega shifting over Israel and the Jewish peoples. Midway through that fast, Julie Meyer, prophetic intercessor called and said. I had this dream, you were sleeping you were fasting and In this dream 5 angels came into your bedroom and operated on your belly, took the book of Daniel, and sealed it into your belly. And then the sons of thunder begin to come to you. I’ve been pondered now are theses ‘sons’ Jewish apostles, Jewish evangelists are going to roar in these days under the anointing of the Holy Spirit. But Daniel chapter 10, I’ve been in this for years, it’s been my main passage, I weep over it, where on the 21st day of his fast the arch angel comes and says, “From the first day you set your face I’ve come down to deliver this message to you, but the price of Persia restrained me for 21 days. But Michael the archangel, the prince over Israel came and fought with me and we dispossessed this demonic power and now we hold this place over the kings of Persia and I’ve come down to deliver this message to you.”

 I’ve always read these Daniel passages, I’ve always read it for a breakthrough for America, A breakthrough against abortion, but in their real context it is Daniel praying and fasting for the Jewish peoples and Michael Prince over Israel coming to war over his prayer for a shift over all of Israel. I feel like it happened yesterday on the 21st day, when Mike Bickle opened up Revelation 11:12. You see I’ve stopped at chapter 10 all my life. Reading these passages, chapter 10 it says this in verse 21, “But I will tell you,” the angel is saying to Daniel, “what is noted in the scripture of truth.” 

The whole chapter of Daniel is to get a message from heaven, and it’s the message of the very end times in Revelations 11 and 12. The sealing of the book of Daniel in my belly, I believe is actually from Daniel chapter 12 in verse 4, “But you Daniel shut up the words and seal the book until the time of the end. Many shall run to and fro and knowledge shall increase.” In other words, he said Daniel, you’re going to go, you’re going to pass and the book’s going to be sealed. What I heard from Mike Bickle yesterday rocked my world. I feel there is an unsealing right now of the 11 and 12 chapter. We’re entering into last days reality. I’m not one that’s talked like this, but I felt like yesterday God completed the picture in my soul. It’s not just I stop at chapter 10 for breakthrough, it’s a breakthrough now for the unsealing of the words of revelation for the last days movement of the Jewish peoples. And I can only say it was like shock and awe. At one point mike said, “This is your 21st day!” And it was so radical, partly because of my blood clots, I’ve been doing very limited, like juice, on my fast, and Mike said, “I believe you need to eat soup now as stand of faith, because the breakthrough has come to you Lou.” And I shared soup with him and of course I’m on a limited Daniel fast, and my friends are on water fasts, these radicals, I love them so much, on the 21st day something broke. Maybe something is breaking over you too, in your world, and your own revelation. I’m going to continue this tomorrow. Father, I pray breakthrough, breakthrough, breakthrough! Let the clouds part, let angels ascend with light in the darkness. Lord we are in the days of something moving in Israel, the shifting for salvation, the release of Ruth now. Lord loose angelic archangels to breakthrough in ways that you’ve never broken through, at least in these days, we pray in Yeshua’s name, amen.





Lou Engle Ministries exists to mobilize fasting and contending prayer, to envision and empower Stadium Christianity, and to mobilize justice prayer movements into the nations of the earth. 


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