
Daily Devotionals

Day 40: Let us catch this moment

Video TranscriptionHello brothers and sisters. Wow, it’s the final day of the fast. I just got a text recently from a man in Canada. 35 days on water and a little brown water, you know what that is with a little cream. However you’ve done the fast, I believe this fast...

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Day 39: International Business Fast

Video TranscriptionOne of the hidden, yet most profound thing that is happening on the earth today is the movement between Israel and the Palestinians, as it concerns economics. If you can imagine to yourself the newspapers and everything you hear. You hear about two...

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Day 38: Elections

Video TranscriptionIt’s been 2 years and 4 elections and Israel is still stumbling to try and form a government. The longstanding Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had to return the mandate this week because so many have defected from him. And he has been unable to...

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Day 37: Spiritual Aliyah

Video TranscriptionShalom, I thank God that he is calling His people locally to stand in the gap for Israel. I’m going to share for just a few minutes on Aliyah to Israel and to God. We know that the Jewish people were scattered all over the world in the last 140...

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Day 36: Times and Seasons

Video TranscriptionContinuing on this them with IHOP. If you watched the last 2 videos I’m actually here for the last days of this fast, and I’m really taken with the vision with Arrowhead Stadium and that there would be this procession from Blue Ridge, where...

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Day 35: Revelation 3

Video TranscriptionOnce again brothers and sisters, I’m pretty gripped today concerning a dream that actually was catalytic in MB 40 day fast from March 1 through April 9th. And part of what gripped him was a dream that my friend Chris Berglund had, and in the dream,...

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Day 34: Your presence in heaven to me

Video TranscriptionHello brothers and sisters. We are coming into the final stretch of this fast. I trust that you’re drawing near to God and God is drawing near to you. Just singing that song, listening to that song, “your presence is heaven to me” today, just...

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Day 33: Keep Contending

Video TranscriptionToday I want to go back as you may recall and you can go back to the devos. On the 4:18 story I shared a couple days ago, was such a whirlwind. I only thought that 4:18 was actually about a whole new breakthrough into Jesus ministry of Luke 4:18,...

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Day 32: An encounter

Video TranscriptionI’ve shared with you over the years in these fasts in our devos I have found that in fasting, we get understanding even as to our own callings. We have breakthroughs of revelation, I’ve said fasting makes your life a landing strip for revelation....

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Day 31: Daniel

Video TranscriptionContinuing on with the theme from yesterday. On the 21st day a major life changing breakthrough for my own life. I know I was grafted in, in love. And at one point with those 10 Jewish leaders and evangelists on the phone, my friend, and older...

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Day 30: Trust the Lord

Video TranscriptionHello Friends as we continue on our fast, yesterday the 12st day of the fast, I had probably one of the most remarkable days of my life. And I just want to encourage people, maybe you’re having a difficult day in the fast. You can’t see anything...

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Day 29: Luke 4:18

Video TranscriptionYesterday, I shared our experience in 2018 where we had fasted 40 days up to April 9th, the anniversary of the Azusa street revival in California. The Lord gave us a dream to extend my belt 10 notches to fast 10 more days to end on 4/18. We told the...

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Day 27: A cry for Yeshua

Video TranscriptionHello dear friends. As we’re fasting and praying, I think this is the 16th day, I’m sure you feel weak. You may feel filled with God, I don’t know. You might feel so empty. Doesn’t matter, the fast itself is prayer. Sometimes we think I’ve got to be...

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Day 26: From the Boiler Room

Video TranscriptionLord Jesus I thank you that you’ve fulfilled that Isaiah passage. You went on your 40-day fast and came out in the power of the Holy Spirit, and you said “those who sit in darkness will see a great light. “ Lord, we ask in this fast that is going on...

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Day 25: Acts 2

Video TranscriptionI read about the Welsh revival, They said in those days, big preachers would some sit in the back row, and they wouldn’t dare say anything because the revival was so intense among the young people. I almost feel like that, I don’t want to get up and...

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Day 24: Devotional Music

This is some of the music that has been ministering to me this fast. I thought I will share it with you.Please check out Marty and Misha’s social media! https://www.facebook.com/martygoetz (@Marty Goetz) https://www.facebook.com/MishaGoetz/ (@Misha Goetz Music)GET...

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Day 23: Watchmen

Video TranscriptionThe wild prophet Jeremiah, as Israel was going into captivity in Babylon, wrote an important prophecy that would materialize thousands of years later, on the hills of Samaria. He foresaw a day when the watchman would show up. In Jeremiah 31 he...

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Day 22: Matthew 4

Video TranscriptionHello brothers and sisters you know there are certain parts of your bible pages that are so ripped up, or not even there, because you have lived in those passages for so long. Matthew 4 is one of those passages. I think I’ve lost the whole book of...

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Day 20: Apostles

Video TranscriptionYesterday I shared on the pray Ekballo story once again. To me, I really believe God is going to unleash His heart for the lost, give us great compassion. And we’ll be groaning this prayer, “Lord of the harvest, God, we beg you to hurl forth...

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Day 19: Pray! Ekballo!

Video TranscriptionBefore The Send ever took place, our friends Andy Byrd, YWAM, gave us a word that the pre-Send gatherings,that would fill stadiums, the name of those gatherings would actually be called ekballo. We didn't even know what it meant. We look it up and...

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Day 18: Charlie Shamp

Video TranscriptionI just love the way God will meet us in times when we need Him to really speak to us and encourage our hearts. I think it was January 20th and the inauguration of President Biden, I couldn’t find myself to vote for anyone who supports abortion up to...

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Day 17: Kings and Rulers

Video TranscriptionOur bible says that in order for a nation to prosper their leaders have to serve Israel. That the blessings for the nations are inextricably linked to their relationship with Israel who is blessed by God. God began in relationship with Abraham and...

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Day 16: Revelations 3

Video TranscriptionHello friends, as we ponder this 40 day fast I think it’s amazing that Jesus himself fasted 40 days to overcome Satan’s temptations and actually that 40 days was the heart preparation. And it one sense the qualification process in which he would...

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Day 15: Isaiah 6

Video TranscriptionWe’re continuing in this 40 day fast, this season leading up to Pentecost. I believe we’re to really give ourselves to an internal work of the Holy Spirit, not just an external thing that we are praying for. For worldwide harvest, for revival, for...

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Day 14: The Devil Left Him

Video TranscriptionYou know, I know many of you are on this fast, however you're doing it, you may be struggling I just want to encourage you in the midst of your struggle. God just loves you. The fact that you're desiring just to fast, pursuing him, I just think...

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Day 13: Your Daughters shall Prophesy

Video TranscriptionI’ll pour out my spirit on all flesh your sons, and your daughters will prophesy. The spirit of prophecy is here tonight. This is what my sister was doing, she was prophesying, she was under a spirit of prophecy. You can feel it when it has a spirit...

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Day 12: Courage like Corrie Ten Boom

Video TranscriptionHi everyone. This is Patricia Bootsma I want to start today with a story. I was a child growing up in Canada on a farm and I was 5, 6, 7, 8 years old. And I wanted to pray, and I did pray, for the Jewish people almost every day.  In one sense, I...

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Day 11: Dreams

Video TranscriptionWe have grown up in a culture that is basically saturated with humanistic thinking concerning dreams, pshycho-bable, but Jacob had a drea. He saw heaven open up. Angels ascending and descending. And when he said it, he says, “This is none other than...

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Day 10: Luke 4:18

Video TranscriptionGood morning! Another day to feast on the bread of heaven. Jesus said in his 40-day fast, “Man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.” Oh, I believe there is a reward for fasting! Even Jesus said to His...

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Day 7: Daniel sealed into my belly

Video TranscriptionWell, I hope you’re following us for these 40 days. Really, it’s a journey of fasting and prayer, building up to that final day Pentecost believing for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon Jerusalem, the Jewish peoples, and the nations of the...

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Day 5: The Pandemic Prophecy

Video TranscriptionYesterday, we talked about having a massive paradigm shift. How God begins to cleanse our lenses and gives us dreams, encounters, and biblical revelation so that our mindsets, our understandings, are shifted. Right now all over the globe, even in...

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Day 4: Global paradigm shift

Video TranscriptionHello brothers and sisters, we continue on this 40-day fast for a massive paradigm shift over the body of Christ. We're calling it the call to the global Ruth vow, the turning of our hearts to the people of Israel, their salvation, and the land of...

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Day 3: Global Spiritual Aliyah

Video TranscriptionSo again now we return to where we left off yesterday in our 40 day Ruth global call. I want you to review with me the dream. My friend has this dream 2007. We are actually preparing for TheCall Nashville when we were in Jerusalem and we know that...

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Day 2: Four Ruths

Video Transcription Hello brothers and sisters, we really get to the meat of the fast beginning right now. I can look back, it all started in 2007. I was in Jerusalem with my prophetic friend who dreams for me all the time, really for 36 years now, and he had a dream...

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Day 1: 40-day Israel fast launch

Video TranscriptionHello, Welcome everyone to the first day of the Yeshua fast. A fast that I believe will help shape history. I wrote this and I wrote it so many times, but it kind of expresses the DNA of my own life and my own journey. It is this: “There are moments...

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Lou Engle Ministries exists to mobilize fasting and contending prayer, to envision and empower Stadium Christianity, and to mobilize justice prayer movements into the nations of the earth. 


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