
In a word, this fast changed my life. Your blog helped every step of the way and so I will continue reading it. While I can’t say how it will affect revival and the sending of laborers, if what has happened in my personal life is any indication, I know I had an impact. I have had a flame ignited and a release of his gifts in corporate prayer meetings like I have not experienced in years. I have also been dreaming, seeing visions, and hearing His voice in the twilight hours like I haven’t had in years. I’m so excited and grateful to have a small part by joining in the Jesus Fast. P.S. Your book by the same name made an indelible mark on my life. Finally, I heard your call to the Messianic Jewish community last year at your Messiah ‘18. I fasted right after and I will continue to respond as God has set my heart years ago to pray for Jewish revival. During the Jesus Fast, my heart has deepened to see the great harvest of Jewish souls in Israel and in the US. If you do another “Send”-like meeting, I pray you will include the Messianics.

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