Day 10: Luke 4:18
Video Transcription
Good morning! Another day to feast on the bread of heaven. Jesus said in his 40-day fast, “Man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.” Oh, I believe there is a reward for fasting! Even Jesus said to His disciples, “When you fast” singular, and “When you fast” corporately, He says this, “The Father who sees in secret will reward you openly.” I believe that your fast, you’re going to see an open reward it may take place. Even in these very days during the fast, where He gives you dreams, He gives you revelation, like Daniel who in 21 days got an encounter with an archangel. I believe fasting is about opening a door into heaven, so you could see what you couldn’t see otherwise, and I’m believing that. God, right now I pray, release dreams, visions, encounters, open up their eyes, spiritual dimness fly away, let them feast on the bread of heaven. I pray that in the name of Jesus!
But today I want to share on Luke 4:18. Now Luke 4:18 is, “The Spirit of the Lord is upon us, is upon me, because the Lord has anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor, proclaim liberty to captives, and freedom to prisoners. Jesus came out of his 40-day fast and this was the reward, the anointing of the evangelist came mightily upon him. He says, “This is being fulfilled in our day, in your very hearing.” Oh that this could be said across the globe, out of this 40-day fast, that the anointing of Luke 4:18 would be released all over the globe. In Israel to the Jewish peoples and to the gentiles worldwide. I want us to be praying today that God would manifest Luke 4:18 out of this 40-day fast. Now, it’s interesting on this very day on 4:18 as you’re watching I am literally in the upper room Dallas and I will be preaching on 4/18, April 18th. And I’m believing that God is going to give us an upper room encounter in this 40-day fast and will come out of this in the power of the spirit and we’ll preach with signs and wonders. In fact I think it’s amazing that the prophetic word is has come to the upper room I was there in Dallas. I was there a few weeks ago and there was a worldwide call for Jews, not Christians, not messianic Jews, but orthodox Hasidic Jews, liberal Jews of Hollywood calling the Jewish people worldwide to call on God to send the Messiah. On that very morning, the global call was at 10 o’clock in the morning. I was in the UPPERROOM and we launched a prayer, joining with the Jews worldwide, that You would reveal to them the Messiah. I can’t help but thinking it’s time for the upper room to act, not just the movement the ‘upper room’ worldwide to see a revelation of Yeshua.
And we could say in this fast, even at the end of this fast on Pentecost Sunday, a baptism of the Holy Spirit will be released, to send forth laborers. And they could say ‘The spirit of the Lord is upon me because the Lord has anointed me to preach good news.’ Father, right now, Lord on this very day, Luke 4:18! Release the mantle of Jesus the Messiah, Jesus, the great evangelist. We ask, out of this fast worldwide, among the Jews worldwide, signs and wonders, miracles, dreams will break out, angels will be heard singing. I’m asking you and I know you’ll do it because you said that you would ‘pour out your spirit on all flesh.’ Lord, I believe you’ve heard the cry of the Jewish peoples worldwide, now answer. Even out of this fast release dreams and visions. Lord we pray for the Muslims to have dreams. Why not the Jewish peoples worldwide? Rip the veil on this mountain of 40 days, rip the veil and reveal Yeshua their Messiah, in mass we pray, in Jesus name. In Yeshua’s name amen!