Day 7: Daniel sealed into my belly
Video Transcription
Well, I hope you’re following us for these 40 days. Really, it’s a journey of fasting and prayer, building up to that final day Pentecost believing for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon Jerusalem, the Jewish peoples, and the nations of the earth. But I go back to another key point in my awakening concerning Israel and I didn’t get it back there in 2009. In 2009 I was living in Kansas City with my family, with Mike Bickle and the [International] House of Prayer there. Mike was teaching about eschatology. Mike was teaching about Israel. I’m sorry Mike. It just seems like a lot of this I didn’t get because my eyes and all my focus was revival in America, awakening, the ending of abortion, and those things are still very very real to me, but I feel that I’m now in a season of awakening. And I think, actually, the Lord waited until this moment to awaken me because its time, I believe, for a worldwide prayer movement to take place for Israel.
It’s interesting, a Jewish man in Israel, I won’t tell you his name, is a major leader there in the education system. This man, who is not a believer in Yeshua, actually had a dream of John the Baptist coming to him and saying to him, “You’re going to raise up an international prayer movement for Israel.” He’s so shocked when he shares that he doesn’t even know what it means. He ends up coming and meets me and puts his tallit, his shall, his Jewish prayer cover, over my head and prophesies over me concerning this movement of prayer that I’m going to be a part of for Israel
It’s quite stunning, you know I look at the book of Daniel, when I was just a young man, a new believer I would never forget a man preaching on the book of Daniel. And you know we’ve said this statement, “Pay close attention to your tears for your tears point you to your destiny.” I wept and they had to carry me to the car weeping as after this man had taught in the book of Daniel something of the book of Daniel was like sealed into my belly. And at 2009, I went on a 40-day fast with my friends in Shiloh, a piece of property connected to IHOP Kansas City. We were there for 40 days fasting on water and right before I went on the fast many of you may have heard this before I had a dream and in the dream my belly was being operated on and I woke up and I felt the Holy Spirit. I was just talking to God and I said, “Lord are you trying to tell me that you want to operate on my appetites to make me a Daniel who fasts to shift history?” Now, I had no I had no inkling that this would have anything to do with Israel, even though Daniel was the intercessor for Israel. So in the middle of that fast, thinking about this operation on my belly, a prophetic intercessor named Julie Meyer sends me an email she said, “Last night I had a dream of you and in this dream you were in this place sleeping and you were fasting and in the dream five angels came to into your room and they operated on your belly.” I’m all ears when I’m reading this. “And in the dream they operated on your belly, they took the book of Daniel, lit it on fire and sealed it into your belly. And in the dream suddenly all these young people, the scene changed, and they’re coming with t-shirts that say The Sons of Thunder.” That 40-day fast was a primary fast in my life, but I didn’t realize it. On this fast, I am literally going for the first 10 days of this fast to the Upper Room in Dallas. And I’m praying for the upper room encounter the outpourings of the Spirit. And I’m believing that Nava’s dream, the one we talked about this yesterday, in the Upper Room, praying for Israel.
It’s so amazing, recently I went to the Upper Room with Michael Miller and that amazing church. It was at 10 o’clock in the morning that we were gathered, in a meeting, and I was supposed to share something on that day, and it was on that day at 10 o’clock in the morning Central Standard Time, a worldwide call to Jews everywhere: liberal Jews, Hasidic Jews, and Orthodox Jews. A worldwide call to prayer on that very hour that I’m at the Upper Room. I’m just getting blasted by this even right now and it and the word was, “The world is in shambles therefore we’re calling the worldwide Jews everywhere to call on God for the coming of the Messiah.” And so at ten o’clock the world-wide Jews are calling out for the coming of the Messiah. The meeting starts at the Upper Room and Nava Niebur Murphy, the gal that dreamed the dream, begins the prayer meeting praying in Hebrew for the coming of Yeshua, a revelation of Yeshua to all those who are crying out that God would release dreams and encounter them as their praying.
This is stunning to me. I’m just realizing this moment. I wonder if I was in the moment of fulfillment of her dream, that very moment in the upper room, praying for the salvation of the Jews. I’m sorry I’m just kind of getting kind of blasted on this. And then I’m going to Shiloh again for the final 30 day season of fasting, praying for Mike Bickle’s visions, Bob Jones’ visions of the billion-soul harvest, the story of the Truman property, and when the [KC] Chiefs win the Super Bowl, they did two years ago, It’ll be the billion soul harvest and all of these thing. I’m going back and I’ll be praying a part of that time in Shiloh. I didn’t put it together until recently with Jacob Pilse and his wife, and Benji Nunez and Gabriel Nunez as I’m sharing that I fasted in Shiloh they said, “Lou it’s Daniel!” That was a forerunner of this moment’s fast when you’re literally going to be fulfilling that Daniel fast that the operation on your belly is about the sons of thunder James and John, mighty evangelists rising in Israel and the nations of the earth. I’m thinking we are in a pregnant moment and I say as soon as Zion travails she brings forth her children. Could we see another season like 1967 when the Jesus Movement broke out and the Jews begin to come to Christ, and it started the messianic movement? Could it be that we’re in another day of salvation? And this 40 days could be a tipping point for a new day of salvation both for Jew and gentile as Ruth and Naomi move together as one new man crying out, “Maranatha, Come Lord Jesus come!” In Jesus name, Yeshua. Hallelujah!