
Day 31: Daniel

May 14, 2021 | The Jesus Fast 2021

Video Transcription

Continuing on with the theme from yesterday. On the 21st day a major life changing breakthrough for my own life. I know I was grafted in, in love. And at one point with those 10 Jewish leaders and evangelists on the phone, my friend, and older brother, prayed and I was thinking on the phone. I could feel the heaviness, the “Chabad”, the glory of God. And then my Jewish apostle friend Asher Intrater, just said do you feel the “Chabad”, the weight, the sense of the weightiness of the presence at this moment, it was glorious,. And that was in the morning, and then that afternoon, in a remarkable way, I was at IHOP and Mike Bickle pulled me in the back room and gave me a 3 ½ hour lesson , a revelation on Daniel 11:12 

And I never put it together like this. That I felt like yesterday put all the pieces together on this Daniel storyline I’ve been on. And maybe if you want to turn with me to Daniel. You know my story of the 40 day fast in 2009 where I dreamed that my belly was being operated on and midway through I said, “Lord are you trying to make me a Daniel?” I believe this is a Daniel fast for Israel, for something mega shifting over Israel and the Jewish peoples. Midway through that fast, Julie Meyer, prophetic intercessor called and said. I had this dream, you were sleeping you were fasting and In this dream 5 angels came into your bedroom and operated on your belly, took the book of Daniel, and sealed it into your belly. And then the sons of thunder begin to come to you. I’ve been pondered now are theses ‘sons’ Jewish apostles, Jewish evangelists are going to roar in these days under the anointing of the Holy Spirit. But Daniel chapter 10, I’ve been in this for years, it’s been my main passage, I weep over it, where on the 21st day of his fast the arch angel comes and says, “From the first day you set your face I’ve come down to deliver this message to you, but the price of Persia restrained me for 21 days. But Michael the archangel, the prince over Israel came and fought with me and we dispossessed this demonic power and now we hold this place over the kings of Persia and I’ve come down to deliver this message to you.”

 I’ve always read these Daniel passages, I’ve always read it for a breakthrough for America, A breakthrough against abortion, but in their real context it is Daniel praying and fasting for the Jewish peoples and Michael Prince over Israel coming to war over his prayer for a shift over all of Israel. I feel like it happened yesterday on the 21st day, when Mike Bickle opened up Revelation 11:12. You see I’ve stopped at chapter 10 all my life. Reading these passages, chapter 10 it says this in verse 21, “But I will tell you,” the angel is saying to Daniel, “what is noted in the scripture of truth.” 

The whole chapter of Daniel is to get a message from heaven, and it’s the message of the very end times in Revelations 11 and 12. The sealing of the book of Daniel in my belly, I believe is actually from Daniel chapter 12 in verse 4, “But you Daniel shut up the words and seal the book until the time of the end. Many shall run to and fro and knowledge shall increase.” In other words, he said Daniel, you’re going to go, you’re going to pass and the book’s going to be sealed. What I heard from Mike Bickle yesterday rocked my world. I feel there is an unsealing right now of the 11 and 12 chapter. We’re entering into last days reality. I’m not one that’s talked like this, but I felt like yesterday God completed the picture in my soul. It’s not just I stop at chapter 10 for breakthrough, it’s a breakthrough now for the unsealing of the words of revelation for the last days movement of the Jewish peoples. And I can only say it was like shock and awe. At one point mike said, “This is your 21st day!” And it was so radical, partly because of my blood clots, I’ve been doing very limited, like juice, on my fast, and Mike said, “I believe you need to eat soup now as stand of faith, because the breakthrough has come to you Lou.” And I shared soup with him and of course I’m on a limited Daniel fast, and my friends are on water fasts, these radicals, I love them so much, on the 21st day something broke. Maybe something is breaking over you too, in your world, and your own revelation. I’m going to continue this tomorrow. Father, I pray breakthrough, breakthrough, breakthrough! Let the clouds part, let angels ascend with light in the darkness. Lord we are in the days of something moving in Israel, the shifting for salvation, the release of Ruth now. Lord loose angelic archangels to breakthrough in ways that you’ve never broken through, at least in these days, we pray in Yeshua’s name, amen.





Lou Engle Ministries exists to mobilize fasting and contending prayer, to envision and empower Stadium Christianity, and to mobilize justice prayer movements into the nations of the earth. 


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