
Day 38: Elections

May 21, 2021 | The Jesus Fast 2021

Video Transcription

It’s been 2 years and 4 elections and Israel is still stumbling to try and form a government. The longstanding Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had to return the mandate this week because so many have defected from him. And he has been unable to form a right-wing government. The mandate has been handed to Yair Lapid, a left wing politician, and also Naftali Bennet a very right-wing politician, to try to form what is called, a unity government, sort of a kaleidoscope government. A very difficult task indeed. If you kind of think about it in terms of the United States. It would be like putting Donald Trump and Joe Biden together, and they would have to form some sort of a coalition for a cabinet. This is what lies ahead for Israel in the next 28 days. Trying to form a unity government. 

Yair Lapid is very far to the left. It is in doubt as to whether he has the ability to lead Israel at this time through the gambit of difficulties they are facing coming out of covid-19; the economic challenges, the security threats, the diplomacy hazards. And then on top of it, you have Naftali Bennet who is pulling everything to the right. So the difficulty lies ahead. I believe what we get to do in the next number of days and weeks, is inside this time of fasting and prayer, we have the tremendous opportunity to join God to pray in His will concerning Israel’s government. God is not going to be mocked when it comes to the nation of Israel. He is going to fulfill His promises. He is going to do exactly what He said He would do.  He is not sighing in heaven, wondering what is going to happen. But I do believe that this is a time we get to enforce a victory for the country. So we need to pray that if indeed a unity government is formed, that the conservative party would be able to hold onto the key ministerial positions of the education, and security, and finance. Very important, as Israel tries to lead the way, now with a financially empowered Islamic republic of Iran. International forums coming in like an onslaught against Israel led by a foreign policy team under President Joe Biden. So the challenges are steep and Israel is in a precarious situation. But not too precarious for God. I’m so glad to be on this journey with you. Let’s join in seriously in praying for the formation of Israel’s government.





Lou Engle Ministries exists to mobilize fasting and contending prayer, to envision and empower Stadium Christianity, and to mobilize justice prayer movements into the nations of the earth. 


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